Mozart New Album presentation concert
Don´t miss out on the opportunity to listen to Arno Argos Raunig latest album in a real Viennese art atmosphere in the Galerie Wohlleb.
See You on Sanday, 29.09.2019, Free Entrance
Please, book your entrance for to get all the best offers from us!
About Album
Mozart´s operas could not be thought of without the “primo uomo”, the male star of every baroque operastage (whether soprano, mezzo or alto).
Throughout his complete vocal work up to his penultimate opera (La clemenza di Tito), the castratovoice plays a crucial part.
The unmistakable timbre of a male soprano was an essential component of Mozart´s compositorial thinking and sound.
Thus his works gain subtelty of nuance and colouring.
The 11 presented arias were composed exclusively for castrato voice.
The critics say about Arno Argos Raunig: “the living Farinelli“
with the “virtuosity of a Paganini”, his voice is able to modulate
from the highest metal to the softest timbre. From calm and tender passages to the strongest hardest attacks, this voice is an impressive multifarious.
You feel relegated into the time of belcanto, into the time of the great castrato singers.
Let you fall into the world of Arno Argos Raunig and feel the spirit of a new musical world!
11+1 arias:
Pietro Benedetti as Sifare 1770
Venanzio Rauzzini as Cecilio 1772
Tommaso Consoli as Ramiro and Aminta 1775
Vincenzo dal Prato as Idamante 1781
Domenico Bedini as Sextus 1791